Thursday, October 3, 2013
Cousin John and Pat Nightingale and Ken and (cousin) Carolyn Yu send condolences to Ethel's family on the passing of a special person. We knew Ethel primarily as a school girl, a vibrant young woman and a young mother. Since our families lived relatively close, Ethel and her sisters and brothers walked down the railroad tracks every school day past our farm where we very often joined them. Ethel was three years older than me and my recollection is one of how fast those big girls with the long legs could walk -- it was a challenge to keep up with them on the way to school. Going home was not too bad because they were not quite so interested in getting back to the ever present farm work. As cousins we had lots of fun on our many family visits. The bridal shower for Ethel in the Okla Hall was with a skit about her and Ken getting married. I had a new camera and took several photos. Uncle Alf thought one of them would be really great so offered me five dollars if I would print one for him. I thought "this is great -- Ethel has made me rich". The actual photo and Ethel's marriage turned out well but my photography ended there.
Ethel was a great joy and a fun loving young woman as I remember it. She will be sadly missed and well remembered. Again we send our condolences on the loss of your wonderful mother. John