Roy & Brenda Skolos

Roy & Brenda Skolos

2018 - 2019

Share Your Memory of
Roy & Brenda

Obituary of Roy & Brenda Skolos

as individuals can be located elsewhere on this website by searching their names separately.



In Loving Memory of Roy and Brenda Skolos


These two wonderful people are forever in each other’s loving arms, leaving us with precious memories and stories to tell.


We had hoped to host their Celebration of Life on July 5, 2020 but the uncertainty surrounding the pandemic response has lead us to adapt this virtual space with the help of McPherson Funeral Services where we can all share these memories. Please feel free to add photos and share stories for us all to see here. If you have a video please send it to to be uploaded.


A small, private service will take place at the Columbarium in the Kimberley Cemetery. Roy and Brenda will rest together, forever in our hearts and in this beautiful place.