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Anna Morigeau Service
Obituary of Anna May Collette Morigeau
Anna May Collette Morigeau made her presence known on November 22, 1982 in Cranbrook BC. Weighing in at 6lbs 6oz. Her proud parents were Bernadette Morigeau and Marty Williams. When Anna was younger she had a german sheppard dog she loved so much, named Zar and she also loved horses.
When Ten was younger, Anna would joke with him that he was hatched from an egg. Ten being younger, believed anything his sister told him. It was obviously a joke and one she brought up as much as possible as they grew older.
Anna looked after her siblings at a young age, always ensuring they were okay.
On, November 1, 1993 Anna Ten Melissa and Sonya had a little bonus sister born, named Saige.
Saige and Anna spent so much time together starting from when saige was first born to teaching her to drive to sharing each others children. They grew a bond like no other and became even closer as saige got older.
After Saige turned 21 Anna and Tanya took saige and Morgana on their very first trip to las Vegas. While in Vegas they wanted to go see this show called “the thunder down under” not knowing what to expect Anna, Morgana, Tanya & Saige sat down at their table waiting for the show to start.. Next thing you know it’s pitch black in the room.. All they could hear was music blasting and people scrambling around when all a sudden a spot light shines right on their table and to their surprise a human size gorilla in a thong was standing on the table shaking what his mama gave him. They were all in complete shock and just uncontrollably laughed the entire show.
Anna grew up and met a lot of her friends in Parkland Middle School. That is where she first met Brett Taylor. After graduating she would visit him in Creston and they began dating. Together they had a beautiful baby girl named Makayla on December 2, 2004. Mak was the first granddaughter of the family and first child to Anna. Anna was Mak's first ever best friend and a few times she said Mak was her first real true love.
Anna taught her to just relax and enjoy the ride, literally. A lot of their time connecting was spent driving especially on the dirt roads. Or just enjoying the outdoors together hiking and chasing waterfalls.
Since moving back to Cranbrook at the beginning of grade 9, Mak made a handful of friends. Anna made instant connections upon meeting these friends. Later on they found out that Anna was bestfriends with Makayla’s friends parents through Anna’s Middle school and high school years. Anna had a good bond with all of Maks closest friends, she made every one of them feel welcomed. One thing everyone could say about her is her smile and laugh we’re contagious. We have countless memories and jokes. Playing dice and listening to old bops and Geo will always be our favourite pastime after cruising on the back roads.
Anna and Mak didn’t always see eye to eye but at the end of the day Mak was her first baby.
Bernie, Anna and Makayla took a trip to Bonners one weekend when Mak was about 2 years old. Mak woke up and started putting her coat on and Anna said Mak we aren't leaving yet and Mak cried out "Bree". She wanted to go home and see Tommy, the family cat. Good thing they stayed another night though because Bernie ended up winning $20,000.
Anna and Zane started dating and she was so happy to gain three more children, Kam, Tarryn and Tamryn, she loved them like her own. On September 30, 2010 Anna and Zane welcomed their baby boy Kale Lucas, they were so excited to have another baby boy join their family.
One of Kales birthdays Anna had planned a spongebob themed party. Feeling crafty she decided she would make Kale a spongebob piñata. Anna first made a practice spongebob, which made Mak think buying a pre-made piñata would be the better option. But after a few long nights of sticking little yellow pieces of tissue to a box, they had their piñata all ready for Kales party, which was later that day. The party was held at the arbour where cousin Brandon Alpine played the powwow version of the spongebob theme song.
Anna, Ten, Sonya and all their friends would always go camping for maylong weekend. This one year they were out at the spot by Lazy Lake and were sitting around a fire. Someone pulled out a light saber and gave it to Anna. She proceeded to throw it across the fire at Ten, said "Hey Ten" and he looked. It hit him right in middle of his forehead. After it hit him, she said "catch" and we all burst out laughing at both of their delayed reactions.
When Anna and her best friend Brandon met he was in grade 8 she was in grade 10, they hung out at school events and parties. He always remembered her as the most kindest and sweetest girl. He ended up moving away and they both went their own ways. About 6 or 7 years ago they reconnected over facebook dating and started hanging out again. They quickly became best friends over the years and helped each other through a lot. They had many amazing times and loved to explore the bush, fish an she loved to hunt. Their favorite secret spot was up Lumberton, it made them feel whole again, no matter their moods and what was going on in eachothers lives.
A few weeks ago, Sonya found her fake ID that she made from her sister Anna's ID when she was younger and it made her think of all the funny stuff she put her through. This one time Anna was crying and told her she was pregnant with her first born, Mak. Her first question because she didn't know how to react was, it's Brett's right? Her boyfriend at the time, course it was but it made them both laugh and Anna stopped crying. Sonya loved pranking her sister or making fun of her height, she was the oldest out of four but somehow the shortest. A few years ago they worked together and Sonya taped a little canadian flag onto the antenna of Anna's truck cus she knew Anna wouldn't be able to remove it without a ladder. She also changed Anna's Facebook birthday from November 22 to July 15 so she would get a lot of random birthday wishes. Funny thing was Anna couldn't change it back for a while cus there's a change limit. All in all, Anna was Sonya's older sister and one of her longest best friends. They could talk for hours and always had the best time. She was even her made of honor at her wedding.
Anna will be dearly missed by her children, family and many friends but they will always remember her laugh, her smile and her upbeat energy.
She was predeceased by her sister Melissa Morigeau, auntie Justine Morigeau, uncle Sidney Morigeau and cousin Danielle Williams Walker.
Anna is survived by her daughter Makayla Taylor, son Kale Gravelle, sister Sonya Morigeau, brother Tenadore Morigeau (Codie Morigeau), mother Bernadette Morigeau (Trevor Joseph), father Richard Williams, nieces Ayen and Paige Morigeau, nephew Marshall Morigeau and many aunties, uncles, cousins and friends.
A go-fund-me is going to be created for Anna's children Makayla and Kale. All funds raised will go to them to support them during this difficult time. Makayla just graduated and Kale is still in school.
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Cranbrook, BC
V1C 1E1
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V1A 1R9
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