Friday, October 21, 2011
Dear Gerry, Susan and families:
Jean and Art were important influences on our lives in Cranbrook. Jim had always pointed out the building where he had operated his welding shop from, and when we moved into Cranbrook after selling the farm in 1992, he found that Art was willing to sell.
I think your Dad started working on Jim to join the Masons about that time, and found out I was already a Star.
Jean contacted me and offered a ride and friendship. My whole world opened and I suddenly had a lot of friends, and a Mary Kay consultant. I asked her to be my Installing Officer in 1997 because people had told me she did a great job, and she did. That particular job is one of three long lectures in our Star.
Jim and I have treasured our memories of Art and Jean. Mariah was wearing diapers at one of the annual corn roasts at their home on 27th Avenue, and everyone was so happy to see her toddling around. On Jim's 50th Birthday, Jean and Art were among his guests. Besides eating and drinking, I had arranged for us all to go bowling, and Art beat the pants off everyone.
We miss Jean and hope she has found her way back to Art and to peace. We remember a lovely, gracious woman, a business woman, a dedicated Eastern Star with a llively sense of humour, to whom dancing was a passion, not an option.
Our deepest sympathy,
Dale and Jim Watson